Berklee College Of Music – Boston, MA

Albert on Trumpet, Ricky Ford Saxophone, and Akira Tana drums. Good times, I’ve lived in America ever since.

Wally’s Jazz Club – Combat Zone
After the first two weeks at Berklee I heard of a local jazz club called Wallys, upon the recommendation of a fellow student I headed there without hesitation. I sat in for a set and was asked to perform there every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Six months into the gig I took another engagement in what was known then as ‘the combat zone’, a district that was just south of the Boston Commons. The combat zone was where go-go bars and strip clubs were located, and every strip club had a Hammond B3, a drummer, and sax player. The Living Room, Teddybear Jeromes, Two O’clock Lounge, were just a couple of the clubs back then, and they were jumpin’. It was around that time I met the assistant Dean at New England Conservatory, he was conducting a 60 piece orchestra performing the music of Marvin Gaye, he invited me to be the pianist. We performed concerts for PBS, as well as local engagements and school concerts. I graduated from Berklee in 1981and after completing my studies, I assembled a 40 piece orchestra to showcase some of my work, I called it ‘The Back Bay Orchestra’.
The Back Bay Orchestra 1981